மீணà¯à®Ÿà¯à®®à¯ மரமà¯
Transformational innovation needed to reach global forest restoration goals
Massive effort to document the genetics of European forests bears fruit
Mangroves could turn tide on carbon output
Icelandic Researchers Discover Origin of New Birch Forest
Researchers show how forest loss leads to spread of disease
How tree growing can mitigate the environmental impact of displacement
Prediction tool shows how forest thinning may increase Sierra Nevada snowpack
Airborne science discovers complex geomorphic controls on Bornean forests
New Method for Capturing Carbon via Fluids Emitted From Tree Roots in Wild Forests
Climate extremes will cause forest changes
Gold mining restricts Amazon Rainforest recovery
Palm trees most abundant in American rainforests
Portable DNA device can detect tree pests in under two hours
New global study shows ’best of the last’ tropical forests urgently need protection
The world is losing its big old trees
Global forest restoration and the importance of empowering local communities
Study shines new light on how young tree seedlings develop
Trees living fast die young
Satellite images display changes in the condition of European forests
The effects of repeated droughts on different kinds of forests
European forest owners and managers could make more use of forest genetic resources in the face of climate change
Supercomputing study breaks ground for tree mapping, carbon research
Red maples doing better in the city
Soil fungi act like a support network for trees
Laser technology measures biomass in world ’s largest trees
Research reveals decreasing genetic connectivity in endangered tree Magnolia patungensis in fragmented forests
Scientists unravel how and why Amazon trees die
What type of forest to choose for better CO2 storage?
Finding the formula for taller, straighter and stronger pine trees
New research reveals megatrends that will affect forests in the next decade
Critical temperature for tropical tree lifespan revealed
Towards a Forest Bio-economy Inclusive of Social and -or Ecological Value Added
Developing evidence-based cases for planted forests
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